Chris Hytha is a graduate of Drexel University’s 6 year architecture program. From a young age, he dreamed of being an architect, filling sketchbooks with floorplans and perspective drawings through high school. It wasn’t until starting school at Drexel that a passion for photography developed. After working for three years as a designer at Ewing Cole, Chris left his corporate role in favor of the often unpredictable route as an independent artist. Since then, he has produced two large bodies of work, including 100 images of Philadelphia Rowhomes, and 200 images taken by drone of historic skyscrapers across the USA. After completing the Highrises collection, and accompanying art and history book, Chris has now shifted his focus to restoring an 1875 Philadelphia Rowhome that he bought in 2024 as a first time home owner.
Media & Press
Philadelphia Weekly
My work was featured in the cover story of the magazine, focusing on explaining NFTs and the Rowhomes project.
1st place winner of the inaugural “One Photo Challenge.” An interview with Chris about the winning photo.
1st place winner of HOK 2020 Futures architectural design competition. Press release announcing winners.
USA Cycling
This article includes many photos and stories from the 2020 cycling trip across the USA.
The Dodcast
Nathaniel Dodson brought Chris onto his show to discuss a variety of topics in the world of Photography.
Aesthetica Mag
“Pennsylvania Transformed” is a feature on my unique vision in photography including a brief bio on Chris.
This blog post is a Q&A with Chris Hytha discussing the topics of photography and architecture.